Dedicated Short Codes

A New Zealand short code, unique to your business!


Securely and reliably communicate with New Zealand mobiles using a Dedicated Short Code.

A Dedicated NZ Short Code is essential if:

  • You are sending large volumes of messages to NZ Mobiles
  • The mobile needs to be able to send you a text at any time
  • You want to enhance your business trust and branding with a fixed number
  • You are sending marketing or promotional texts to NZ Mobiles
  • You want to absorb costs and allow mobiles to text you for free

Cost Options for Dedicated Short Codes:

The sender pays the cost to send you a text. This is charged at 20c (inc GST), regardless of any text plan they have.

Your cost each month is flat rate for receiving. You only pay for the texts that you send outbound.

It is free for a mobile phone to send you a text. You absorb the cost of receiving the text message at 12c (exl GST) per SMS.

You can also send texts outbound to mobile phones.

Careful consideration is needed as there are no controls for blocking texts into your short code; you are liable for payment of all texts received.

Service Options for Dedicated Short Codes:

The self-service online dashboard allows users to send SMS messages, receive messages, track responses, manage Address Book contacts, opt-outs and more.

Find more about Web to SMS service.

Send and receive SMS using Email-to-SMS. Simple as that!

Send outbound messages using email (user guide).

Received messages are delivered to a central email address, with reply tracking supported (replies are delivered to the last sender's email address).

Find more about Email to SMS service.

Send and receive SMS with our fully featured APIs.

Integrate SMS into your software packages and platforms.

See the available APIs: SMS APIs

SMPP connectivity is supported, including two-way communication and delivery reporting (acks).

Minimum use policy applies.

Outbound Support

Send outbound messages to New Zealand mobiles using your short code number as the Caller ID

NZ-wide Support

Our short codes work with all New Zealand operators and mobile networks

Code Control

No other businesses will have access to your code; useful for branding and retaining the rights to the number

Email Notifications

Receive a notification for each message (contains the sender's mobile number and full message received)

Pricing Options

Set the rate - mobiles can pay 20c to text you (free for you to receive), or you can absorb their text cost.

API Integrations

Deliver data via API with potential to customise auto-replies (eg webhook response indicates the reply to use)


Standard Code

/per Month

  • $600 Set Up
  • $299 per Month
  • Includes your own Dedicated NZ Short Code
  • 10c/SMS sent to NZ Mobiles
  • 0c/SMS received
  • Free-to-Text Code

    /per Month

  • $600 Set Up
  • $299 per Month
  • Includes your own Dedicated NZ Short Code
  • 12c/SMS sent to NZ Mobiles
  • 12c/SMS received
  • * Pricing is in New Zealand Dollars excluding GST